Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Saturday 25 August 2012

Closing Down

Bye Guys

Today is a big close for this site. This site was not a very big hit but people did use it!

Why am I closing down?

I just don't have enough time to update and create pictures for the site. It just takes too much time. But it was lots of fun!

What I really want to do is give the site to another person. If you would like to own this site then post a comment. This site will remain here but will no longer be updated!

I would really like if another person would continue this site. If you don't know what to do if you do own this site. Go to the Make! Page. There is all the info of how to make pictures for this site!

And Remember the other site I was going to put up? The Secret World Of Clouds? I will not be releasing that since I have no time.

Please think about it guys,

Again, I would really like if someone would comment that they would like to own this site. If you do then post your Blogger name and e-mail. I will give you all the details through e-mail!


Free 8

Cadence Winner!

Hey guys!

Another week of searching! We now have a winner!


Collman 6

And also to everyone else that entered!

Free 8

Saturday 18 August 2012

New site coming soon!

Hey guys! I am proud to announce that a new site from me is coming in September which is not very far away at all.

What is this new site? My new site is called 'The Secret World Of Clouds'.

On this new site I will take a picture of a cloud that looks like something, and trace it. I am putting the site up with a starting 4 pictures. I will put instructions so you can make your own.

Hope you will enjoy my new site. But since I have 2 sites now, i will only have limited time to update this site. Most of my time will be put into the new site, so don't expect lots of pictures for this site!

Stay tuned!

Free 8

Thursday 16 August 2012

New Awesome Week! MEET CADENCE!

Heya peoples!

It's another week, which means another AWESOME WEEK! This week you need to find 3 Cadences. This week is a tiny bit harder.

And also introducing EXTRA POINTS! There are now other penguins hidden around the site. Click on them and write down their eight digit number code. Collect 2 bonus points.

When you put these numbers after all of the other main codes you will have two of your name in the hat. That DOUBLES THE CHANCE of you to get 6 Month Membership! Its awesome!


Free 8

Winner for Aunt Arctic 6 Month Membership

Hello again,

It has been a busy week full of searching finding those Aunt Arctics on the site. And know we have a winner!



Well done also to everyone that entered!

Next Awesome Week will be updated soon

Check back every Friday!

Hey again guys!

If you want to enter the draw for the 6 month membership you better hurry up because it ends tomorrow!
This is one of the most amazing crazy give away because there is a chance to win a 6 month membership EVERY WEEK! So get finding and you might just win!

Tomorrow is another Awesome Week and it will be a little harder. This week was easy because this is the start but it will get harder. It won't get REALLY hard it will be quite easy since there are limited pages but it is still a massive chance to win a 6 month membership!

Don't forget to check back every Friday! (Thursday for some people and Saturday for some others)

Free 8

Monday 13 August 2012

Check Out The New "Awesome Weeks"!

Hey guys!

Thanks for being so patient while waiting for me to update my blog. You have waited long enough, and know I have FINALLY updated my blog. I can know explain what these awesome weeks are!

Awesome weeks are basically hide and seek. You will see a character on the banner and it's name, the one you should see now is Aunt Arctic. Study the character then go on a clicking frenzy around all the pages to find Aunt Arctic. Search every page until you find the character. Every awesome week you must find a different amount of them. This week you must find 3 Aunt Arctics on this site.

If you don't understand please leave a comment on this post and I will post it on the new 'Help' page!


Free 8

Friday 10 August 2012

Celebrating an AWESOME 400 views!

Heya peoples!

Today we celebreate the amazing achievement of reaching 400 views!

Free 8