Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Monday 13 August 2012

Check Out The New "Awesome Weeks"!

Hey guys!

Thanks for being so patient while waiting for me to update my blog. You have waited long enough, and know I have FINALLY updated my blog. I can know explain what these awesome weeks are!

Awesome weeks are basically hide and seek. You will see a character on the banner and it's name, the one you should see now is Aunt Arctic. Study the character then go on a clicking frenzy around all the pages to find Aunt Arctic. Search every page until you find the character. Every awesome week you must find a different amount of them. This week you must find 3 Aunt Arctics on this site.

If you don't understand please leave a comment on this post and I will post it on the new 'Help' page!


Free 8

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